IntelliJ Idea

This does everything! 😅❤


Here are the steps needed to install IntelliJ Idea on your Andronix instance

This assumes that you have the SDK for your language already installed for the distro you are using.


  • Download the latest tar.gz file from JetBrains official download page.

  • After downloading the tar.gz, make sure that it is in your download folder and after run the following command. Change x to the name of the tar downloaded.

tar -xzf ideaIU-2xxx.x.x.tar.gz -C ~/Desktop/
  • The tar should now be unzipped in Desktop/ideaIU-2xxx.x.x, where 'x' stands for the year and version number.

  • Now choose the command from below and run it inside Linux terminal

For Debian/Ubuntu/Kali:

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y

For Arch/Manjaro

sudo pacman -S jdk-openjdk

For Void Linux:

xbps-install -S openjdk

For Alpine:

apk --no-cache add openjdk11 --repository=

For Fedora:

Fedora is not recommended for use of Jetbrains IDE

  • We can now proceed to run Idea, navigate to Desktop/ideaIU-2xxx.x.x/bin and execute the with the following command

  • Yay! 🎊 That's all you need to do to run IntelliJ on your device.

Last updated